RegionStats Total Property

This property returns the total number of hits for a particular region.


 totalHits = chRegionStatsObj.Total [regionCode]

regionCode: This must contain a valid region code for the region you wish to obtain the total hit count for. See Defining Regions for information on valid region codes.


Returns the total number of hits for the specified region code.



set chRegionStatsObj = Server.CreateObject("cyScape.RegionStats ")

totalHits = chRegionStatsObj.Total("westerneurope")

response.write "Total hits from Western Europe: " & totalHits %>

Tip: This property is the default property for the object. Therefore you can call this property by simply referring to the object and passing in the region code in parentheses if you prefer. For example: chRegionStatsObj("westerneurope") instead of chRegionStatsObj.Total("westerneurope ").

Tip: See the ch_statsByRegion.asp sample for more information.

Note: Use of this property requires the Enterprise Edition of CountryHawk.

Note: This property is read-only.

See Also:

CountryHawk Object Properties and Methods

CountryStats Object Properties and Methods