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Is there a field in BHSTATS table I can use to identify a user?
Created: 6/24/2001    Updated: 9/28/2004
Q   We would like to log additional data along with statistics so that we can easily recall the stats for a particular user at a later time. Is there a field I can use for this?

A   Yes, there are five extra fields in the BHSTATS table. These fields are userdata1, userdata2, userdata3, userdata4, and userdata5 - all defined as variable length character fields. These are extra fields that you can use to store whatever information you wish.

When you call the LogData method, you can specify the values you would like BrowserHawk to store in these fields when recording the stats for a given user.

For example:

  bhObj.LogData 0, "ud 1 val", "ud 2 val", "ud 3 val"
Say for example you have a variable named loginId that contains a unique identifier for a user that has logged into your system. You can tag the statistics entered for this user by adding this user id to the row. Then later if you want to retrieve the statistics for this user, you can just search for this id in the appropriate user data column. For example:
  bhObj.LogData 0, loginId
In the example above, the user's login id is inserted into the userdata1 column along with that user's statistics.

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