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How can I detect AOL users?
Created: 5/28/2002    Updated: 9/28/2004
Q   What value does the browser property return for AOL? Is it "AOL"? And is the engine of the AOL browser really Netscape or IE? What is the best way to detect AOL users?

A   When a visitor is using the AOL browser, the AOL property will be set to True, the AOLVersion property will be set to the version of AOL that the visitor has (i.e. 9.0), and the browser property will be set to the type of browser being used through the AOL service - most likely that will be IE.

The best way then to detect AOL users is to check the AOL property to see if it is set to True. You should not, however, make the assumption that an AOL user is using IE, because future versions of AOL may likely be based on Mozilla. Instead check the Browser property to determine the exact browser type.

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