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How can I tell what version of the BDF I am using?
Created: 8/13/2002    Updated: 8/13/2002
Q   How can I tell what version of the BDF I am using?

A   The best way to determine this is using the BDDVersion and BDDDate properties found in BrowserHawk 6.0 and later.

Run the following script:

  set bh = Server.CreateObject("cyScape.browserObj")
  response.write "BDD Version: " & bh.BDDVersion & " - "
  response.write "BDD date: " & bh.BDDDate
Note that if the above returns "Undefined" then you are using a version of BrowserHawk prior to 6.0.

If the above returns blank strings for the BDDVersion and BDDDate information (the output looks like "BDD Version: - BDDDate:", then the BDF is a version prior to 6.0.

An alternate way to check the BDF version is to load the BDF in the BrowserHawk Editor. The BDF version and date will be shown on the bottom status bar once loaded.

Note, however, it is far better to check using the script above rather than using the BrowserHawk Editor. This is because with the script you are checking the actual version/date of the BDF/BDD in use. Whereas with the BrowserHawk Editor you are checking the version/date of the BDF you load into the editor - which may be different than the BDF being used by the component without you realizing it.

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