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How can I use BH to optimize search engine placement and hide meta tags?
Created: 8/19/2002    Updated: 10/28/2002
Q   Does BrowserHawk have a feature that helps a site gain better search engine placement? I know that it recognizes different search engines as "browsers"; how does this specifically help with indexing and search engine placement? How does this help protect my meta tags?

A   Yes, you can use BrowserHawk to optimize your ranking in search engines. BrowserHawk will detect the presence of a crawler, and if found, then you can dynamically change the content into something that is best optimized for the search engine placement, as opposed to your regular content.

You can even go as far as to send different content to each engine depending on each engine's rules for optimal placement/rankings.

In general, you can optimize your ranking by first checking the Crawler property - if that property is True then you know it is a search engine crawling your site and can change your content to be "search engine friendly".

You can even take this a step further by checking the Browser property to see which crawler it is - it returns values such as "Google" and "Altavista", etc. That way you can send different versions of your page to each search engine for optimal placement.

To protect your meta tags you simply check to see if it's a crawler, and if it is NOT, then you do not send out the meta tags (there is no need for a regular browser to see your meta tags - so there is no penalty incurred for omitting meta tags to the crawler. In fact it is more efficient to omit them for regular browsers).

For example:

if bhObj.Crawler = False then
   ... do not send meta tags
   ... send meta tags...
end if
... rest of page content here
So if a regular browser hits your site, when they do a view source they won't see your meta tags since the tags were never sent.

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