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How does the automatic browser definitions update work?
Created: 1/18/2001    Updated: 9/27/2004
Q   How does the automatic browser definitions update work?

A   If you have the Professional or Enterprise Edition of BrowserHawk, you can easily configure BH to monitor cyScape for updates to the BDF files and download them automatically when available. Note that this feature does require that you have a current Support and Maintenance plan

Once configured, BH will make a periodic (based on the schedule you set) HTTP or FTP (depending again on your preferences) connection to cyScape to check for updates and download and install them if available, sending you an email notification if so. When you run BrowserHawk for the first time, the Setup Wizard will walk you through this setup completely and it is very intuitive.

In the event you did not choose the Automatic Updates option during the setup of your BH installation, you can configure it as follows:

From the BrowserHawk Editor choose "Preferences and Options" from the Special menu. Then click on the Schedule tab. Here you specify how often you want BrowserHawk to check cyScape for an update - the default is once every 3 days.

You can then set whether you want BH to download and install the software automatically for you, or just to download it for you for later review.

There is also an option for you to specify your email address and a subject line to be used to notify you when an update is downloaded - included in the email is a list of what's new in the update, as well as the machine name on which the update was installed on (helpful if you've licensed multiple copies of BH).

Lastly, you need to make sure the BrowserHawk BDF Service is started and marked for automatic start up. Or, if you prefer, you can rerun the BrowserHawk installation and choose to run the BDF Service as a desktop application (which is how the BDF Service is run by default under Windows 9x/Me since true system services are not supported under these operating systems).

Again, it should be noted that this set up is automatically handled for you by the Setup Wizard - you should only need to set this manually if you initially chose not to do automatic updates. Or if you want to have BH walk you through this process again, you can choose Run Setup Wizard from the Special menu.

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