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Can I use the BH Editor to update the BDF on a remote server?
Created: 5/13/2004    Updated: 5/13/2004
Q   Can I use the BH Editor to update the BDF on a remote server using a local development server?

A   Yes. The BrowserHawk Editor has an option to upload a BDF file to a remote server using either FTP or a network file copy.

This option comes in handy if your production web server does not have the BrowserHawk Editor installed, such as the case where you installed the BH component manually on a shared web server.

Since the BH Editor is required to perform automatic updates, you configure your development server to automatically check for updates, and then to automatically upload the updates via FTP to your production web server. During this process your old data file is overwritten with the new one.

The next time the BrowserHawk component processes a request it will automatically use the updated data, with no server reboot or restart of any services required.


To set up remote updating of BDF files follow these instructions:
  • A BrowserHawk licenses is required for all machines it is installed on, including development. If you do not yet have a license for your development server, contact cyScape to purchase a license.

  • Install BrowserHawk on your local development machine and follow the walkthrough it provides on setting up BrowserHawk for automatic updates.

  • Under the BH Editor main menu, choose Special->Preferences and Options, and select the Upload tab. Select the option for "Server on a remote network". Enter your FTP host name, user name, and password. For the default directory, enter whatever path is required to change you from the initial directory your FTP account logs you in on, to the directory which contains your maindefs.bdd file on the remote server. Leave the Master BDF field as is. Press the Test button to ensure it can log you in correctly and write to the destination directory. Do NOT press OK yet.

  • Select the Download tab (still on the Preference and Options dialog) and check the box that says "Publish on network/remote server after action above". Then press OK to save your changes.

  • To test that you have set things up correctly perform the following steps:

    1. Log into your production server and rename your maindefs.bdd file to

    2. From the BH Editor main menu, choose Special->Download latest BDF from cyScape.

      If prompted that you already have the latest BDF, choose Yes when asked if you wish to download it again anyway.

    3. You will then see a progress bar as BrowserHawk downloads the updates. When finished, you will then see it turn around and upload the definitions to your production server.

    4. When the above actions complete, log into your production server and check to make sure that you have a maindefs.bdd file that resides in the same directory as your file. If so you have set things up correctly. Delete your file. Now when new updates are published by cyScape your development server will download them from cyScape and upload them to production.

    5. If your maindefs.bdd did not wind up in the same directory as then check to see what directory the maindefs.bdd file was uploaded to by searching your production server's folders, and correct your Default Directory field on the BH Editor Upload Settings form accordingly so that the file gets placed in the correct directory. Otherwise the BH component will not recognize the updated data files that are uploaded. If the FTP operation itself failed, check your FTP settings in the Upload form and verify that your account has the proper permissions to upload to your target directory.

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