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Will a reboot be required after installing or upgrading BrowserHawk?
Created: 10/3/2005    Updated: 10/3/2005
Q   Will a reboot be required after installing or upgrading BrowserHawk?

A   This article addresses whether a reboot of the server is required after BrowserHawk is installed or upgraded.

First time installations of BrowserHawk

If you are installing BrowserHawk on a current operating system such as Windows Server 2003, odds are that a reboot will not be required, especially if it has the latest operating system updates and patches installed.

If you are installing BrowserHawk on an older operating system such as Windows 2000 with the latest operating system service packs and patches installed, a reboot may still not be required but is possible.

In summary, a reboot will be required if BrowserHawk finds that some basic system files are outdated and newer versions need to be installed. These files are typically "in-use", therefore the installer asks for a reboot so that the newly installed files can be updated upon the reboot.

Upgrading BrowserHawk

If you have an older version of BrowserHawk installed and run an installation to upgrade BrowserHawk, a reboot will be required unless you take certain actions to minimize the need for a reboot. This is because even if your system files are up to date, certain BrowserHawk files will likely be in use by the web server.

To try and avoid the need to reboot as the result of an upgrade, stop the BrowserHawk_BDF Service, and stop the IIS Admin service using Control Panel before running the installation program. If you are running ColdFusionMX, stop the CFMX services as well. This action should free the files that would otherwise be in use, thereby minimizing the odds of needing a reboot after installation.

Remember to then restart all required services following completion of the installation. Typically a good way to do this is to use the iisreset command. Also remember to restart the BrowserHawk_BDF Service.

General Notes

There is always a chance that a reboot will be required, despite taking steps as described in this article. Therefore it is best to perform an installation or upgrade at a time that would permit for a reboot if needed. If a reboot is needed, the installation program will prompt you to reboot following completion of the installation.

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