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What is the difference between the x86 and x64 bit versions of BrowserHawk? Which should I install?
Created: 10/7/2007    Updated: 10/7/2007
Q   What is the difference between the x86 and x64 bit versions of BrowserHawk? Which should I install?

A   Starting with BrowserHawk 11.0, BrowserHawk is available for both x86 and x64 bit operating systems. The benefit is that the BrowserHawk ActiveX component and BrowserHawk Reports Web Service (BRWS) will run as native 64 bit components within IIS on 64 bit operating systems.

Note that the BrowserHawk .NET component and the cyScape Update Service will run as a native 64 bit component automatically when used on a 64 bit operating system, regardless of whether the x86 or x64 version of BrowserHawk is installed.

Both the x86 and x64 versions of BrowserHawk are identical, except the 64 bit version contains the native x64 bit components, as well as the 32 bit components (helpful should you ever configure IIS to run with 32 bit worker processes).

If you are installing BrowserHawk on a 32 bit operating system, you should install the x86 version of BrowserHawk.

If you are installing BrowserHawk on a 64 bit operating system, you should install the x64 version of BrowserHawk.

Note that on 64 bit operating systems the BrowserHawk supporting files will still be installed in the "Program Files (x86)" section of the file system. This is by design for backward compatibility.

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