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OSName and OSDetails returns Windows 7 on Windows Server 2008 OS
Created: 6/20/2012    Updated: 6/20/2012
Q   When I check the OSName and OSDetails properties under Windows Server 2008, BH returns Windows 7 instead of Windows Server 2008.

A   Starting with BH 14 we improved the speed of detecting the OSName, OSVersion, and OSDetails properties by making these properties available as basic properties, in addition to having them only as extended properties as before.

One drawback to this is that when using the basic property versions of these properties Windows Server 2008 will be detected as Windows 7.

This is an acceptable tradeoff for most customers because generally they are not concerned about detecting users running on Windows servers. However if this is important you can change your code to use the extended property versions of these properties instead of the basic versions.

See these properties in the Property and Reference Guide in the BrowserHawk Documentation for more information.

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