RegionName Method

This method returns the region name associated with the currently initialized CountryHawk object or the region name for a specified region code.


 RegionName = chObj.RegionName [regionCode]

regionCode: Optional. If omitted, the region name associated with the currently initialized CountryHawk object is returned. Otherwise this must contain a valid region code for the region you wish to obtain the region name for. See Defining Regions for information on valid region codes.


Returns the display name for the region code.



set chObj = Server.CreateObject("cyScape.CountryObj ")

regionName = chRegionStatsObj.RegionName

response.write "Your region is: " & regionName %>

Note: A similar RegionName method is also provided by the RegionStats Object. There are times when it will be more convenient to use the implementation through this object rather than the RegionStats object.

Note: Use of this method requires the Enterprise Edition of CountryHawk.

See Also:

About the Properties and Methods Guide

CountryCode property

RegionCode Property

GetSelectList method

IPAddr property

Initialize method

CountryName method

RegionName Method

IsValidIP method

IsRestricted method

RegionNameFromCountryCode Method

IsInList method

About the sample scripts