After careful evaluation of the available options, Skillsoft chose BrowserHawk, the industry standard solution and the world’s largest selling Intelligent Browser and System Analysis tool.
“With BrowserHawk, we’ve improved customer service in terms of faster solution turnaround for our students, and improved help desk efficiency,” Holder said. “BrowserHawk detects everything needed to ensure the best web experience for our students, and updates itself automatically. This allows our IT team to focus more on strategic initiatives, such as growing our customer base and expanding our offerings – rather than on browser detection.”
Now when students log on to Skillsoft’s platform, their browser and system settings are pre-screened by BrowserHawk to ensure students can access and use the site successfully. When users do not meet the site’s minimum system requirements, help is offered automatically.
In addition, help desk personnel stand ready to provide step-by-step instructions on how to resolve any issues, such as how to update their Java Virtual Machine or install missing plug-ins. “With BrowserHawk, we can provide students with customized help, specific to what each user needs in order to resolve their issues,” Holder said. “We can do this on the spot because we know exactly what the issue is right from the start, instead of having to guess at their system configurations and what the issues may be.”
Skillsoft is benefiting greatly from BrowserHawk in other ways, too. “Companies often will go through trials with two or three e-learning offerings at a time. In these cases, Skillsoft has outdistanced the competition because of our highly responsive customer service,” Holder said. “Without BrowserHawk, this level of responsiveness would be very challenging.”